John Dwyer: Keeper of Waddy's Legacy - 2

Returning Waddy's Gruen to Oklahoma
In November 2022, I googled "Waddy Young" just to see if any new information about him had been posted on the Internet -- and I fortuitously came across John Dwyer's website. I quickly realized that I had struck gold -- an Oklahoma historian to whom I could gift Waddy's watch -- and preserve it "for the next generation".
After a few emails and a Zoom session, I sent Waddy's Gruen, a collection NFL and College All-Stars programs, and 80 pages of research to John. He graciously replied,
"So great to visit with you, and God bless you for what you are doing. What a legacy that YOU are leaving. I am already diving into that magnificent pdf trove you sent. WOW--your research is extraordinary, sir! I've never seen any of that Army All-Star material, and didn't even know Waddy was one."
"Thankful also for YOU and the incredible, care-laden work you have put into these Waddy Young treasures. Oh my goodness, it is amazing--and VERY appreciated. I promise you that we will treat them like the precious treasures they truly are. It is amazing they are all still around!"